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CruiseControl.NET and Visual SourceSafe

One way of setting up CC.NET and VSS is that CC.NET is responsible for getting the latest version (setting the attribute autoGetSource to true of the sourcecontrol node in the ccnet.config file) or NAnt by using the vssget task of NAntContrib for compiling the sources by NAnt. I always use the csc task instead of the solution task, therefore it is necessary to have a clean version of VSS, because VSS does not automatically delete files locally that have been deleted in the VSS database.

An alternative and better way is to set a shadow folder in VSS. A shadow folder contains a copy of the most recently checked-in version of each file in the project. This is exactly what we need for compiling the sources.


That way is CC.NET only using VSS for monitoring changes in the VSS database and/or labeling.

UML Reference Card

I don't use UML on a daily basis, therefore it is handy to have a summary of the UML diagrams. A very good quick reference of UML can be found here

Upcoming release of IStaySharp.WebBrower

In the course of next week I will release a new version of IStaySharp.WebBrowser. It contains new features, fixes and the set of properties and methods are made compatible with the webbrowser control in VS.NET 2005 (e.g.: EnableBack, DocumentText, ObjectForScripting, etc.).

New Features:

  • Implemented the Travel Log interface
  • Easy communication between Javascript and .NET through the 'ObjectForScripting' property
  • NUnit tests
  • Improved model for extending the Site (IOleClientSite) of the webbrowser.
  • Fixes and improved functionality for Mozilla
  • Printer service for modifying header, footer and margins

Eindelijk Urbanus op DVD (Dutch)

Velen die mij kennen weten dat ik een Urbanus fan ben, en eindelijk hebben ze de live shows van Urbanus op DVD gezet. Het heeft wel lang geduurd, maar ze hebben er nu toch direct 3 uitgegeven. Wat een aangename verrassing in de Fnac vandaag :-)

Ik hoef u denk ik niet te vertellen dat ik ze meegenomen heb :-)