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Edit and Continue not supported on 64-bit target machine

When trying to edit some code during debug, I received the following dialog of Visual Studio:


It appears that the edit and continue feature is not supported when the target is a 64-bit application. On this page you find a nice overview of the scenarios where the edit and continue features are not supported. To resolve the problem, you have to set the target to x86, which can be found in the project properties.


Running a x86 libray on a x64 machine

In my current sample project when the runtime tried to access the MyMeta library (see following post) I always get the following FatalExecutingEngineError exception:


It turns out that the problem is that the MyMeta library is compiled under a x86 platform whereas the application is running on a x64 platform. In the properties settings of your visual studio project you have to set the platform target to x86! It was set to 'Any CPU', but now everything works fine.


Component Dropper v0.9 - Add-in for Visual Studio

Component Dropper is a component that resides in the toolbox of VS.NET and enables you to choose a component (controls, datasets, providers, components, etc.) from the assemblies that are referenced in the current project.

In Visual Studio .NET you can auto populate the controls in the toolbox by setting the AutoToolboxPopulate property to true in menu Tools -> Options -> Windows Forms Designer.


Component Dropper is an alternative way for dropping a component on the designer surface. It gives you a dialog with all the components that reside in the assemblies that are referenced in the current project. This means that it is not limited to the assemblies that reside in the current solution. This way you can easily browse and search throughout the assemblies and controls, this is very handy if you have bunch of assemblies and controls. There is never a need to refresh the toolbox, because it dynamically searches throughout the references in the current project.


Download: RazorToolbox

If after installation you don't see the component dropper appearing in the toolbox, you can simply drag-and-drop the IStaySharp.RazorToolbox.dll to the toolbox.

Any suggestions or remarks are welcome!