Integrating Validation Application Block of Enterprise Library with CSLA.NET

CSLA.NET framework from Lhotka contains a lot of mechanisms for adding validations and business rules. Through CSLA.NET you can easily provide your own custom rules. Enterprise Library v3.0 now also contains a validation application block (VAB) that can be used through attributes and even from a configuration file.

The two validation mechanisms of validation are complementary. This can be done by adding a custom rule that uses the ValidationFactory of the VAB. This means we have something like:

public class VABRules
    public class VABRuleArgs : RuleArgs
        private string _ruleset;

        public string Ruleset
            get { return _ruleset; }

        public VABRuleArgs(string propertyName) : this(propertyName, null)

        public VABRuleArgs(string propertyName, string ruleset) : base(propertyName)
            _ruleset = ruleset;

    public static bool VABValid<T>(object target, RuleArgs e)
        Validator<T> validator = ValidationFactory.CreateValidator<T>(((VABRuleArgs)e).Ruleset);

        if (validator == null)
            return true;

        ValidationResults results = validator.Validate(target);

        if (results == null)
            return true;

        foreach (ValidationResult result in results)
            if (result.Key == e.PropertyName)
                e.Description = result.Message;
                return false;

        return true;

Having the VAB rule we simply need to decorate our properties with the validation attributes of VAB and an override of the AddBusinessRules method is needed to take into account the VAB rules. For example we can define a customer business object as follow:

public class Customer : Csla.BusinessBase<Customer>
    private int _id = 0;
    private string _firstName = string.Empty;
    private string _email = string.Empty;
    private int _rewardPoints;
    private string _countryCode = string.Empty;

    [Browsable(false), System.ComponentModel.DataObjectField(true, true)]
    public int Id
            CanReadProperty("Id", true);
            return _id;

    [NotNullValidator(MessageTemplate="First Name may not be empty")]
    [StringLengthValidator(1, 60, MessageTemplate = "First Name must be between 1 and 60 characters long")]
    public string FirstName
            CanReadProperty("FirstName", true);
            return _firstName;
            CanWriteProperty("FirstName", true);
            if (!_firstName.Equals(value))
                _firstName = value;

    public string Email
            CanReadProperty("Email", true);
            return _email;
            CanWriteProperty("Email", true);
            if (!_email.Equals(value))
                _email = value;

    [Int32RangeValidator(0, 1000000, MessageTemplate = "Rewards points cannot exceed 1,000,000")]
    public int RewardPoints
            CanReadProperty("RewardPoints", true);
            return _rewardPoints;
            CanWriteProperty("RewardPoints", true);
            if (!_rewardPoints.Equals(value))
                _rewardPoints = value;

    [NotNullValidator(MessageTemplate = "Country may not be empty")]
    public string CountryCode
            CanReadProperty("CountryCode", true);
            return _countryCode;
            CanWriteProperty("CountryCode", true);
            if (!_countryCode.Equals(value))
                _countryCode = value;

    protected override object GetIdValue()
        return _id;

    protected override void AddBusinessRules()
        ValidationRules.AddRule(VABRules.VABValid<Customer>, new VABRules.VABRuleArgs("FirstName"));
        ValidationRules.AddRule(VABRules.VABValid<Customer>, new VABRules.VABRuleArgs("Email"));
        ValidationRules.AddRule(VABRules.VABValid<Customer>, new VABRules.VABRuleArgs("RewardPoints"));
        ValidationRules.AddRule(VABRules.VABValid<Customer>, new VABRules.VABRuleArgs("CountryCode"));