RemotingHelper in .NET 2.0 (using generics)

RemotingHelper is a little helper class by Ingo Rammer that enables you to use interfaces to access remote objects instead of the implementation. In .NET 2.0 there are a lot of new features, and one of them are generics. Especially with the RemotingHelper we deal with types and with the GetObject method we can use generics to parameterize the method by type.

In .NET 1.1 we need to write something like

ICustomerService customerService = RemotingHelper.GetObject(typeof(ICustomerService)) as ICustomerService;

when using generics in .NET 2.0 we can simply write

ICustomerService customerService = RemotingHelper.GetObject<ICustomerService>();

No need to cast and no typeof operator! Below you find a version of the RemotingHelper using generics

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting;

public class RemotingHelper { 

  private static bool isInit; 
  private static IDictionary<Type, WellKnownClientTypeEntry> wellKnownTypes;

  public static T GetObject<T>() 
    if (!isInit) 

    WellKnownClientTypeEntry entry = wellKnownTypes\[typeof(T)\];

    if (entry == null) 
      throw new RemotingException("Type not found!"); 

    return (T)Activator.GetObject(entry.ObjectType, entry.ObjectUrl); 

  public static void InitTypeCache() 
    isInit = true; 
    wellKnownTypes = new Dictionary<Type, WellKnownClientTypeEntry>();

    foreach (WellKnownClientTypeEntry entry in RemotingConfiguration.GetRegisteredWellKnownClientTypes()) 
      if (entry.ObjectType == null) 
        throw new RemotingException("A configured type could not be found. Please check spelling"); 

      wellKnownTypes.Add(entry.ObjectType, entry); 