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The information on this website represents my personal opinion. My opinion may differ with other people’s opinion and my employer’s opinion. This website is by no means related to other people nor my employer.

Texts, lay-out, images, script and other items on this site are protected by copyright. Copies, adaptations, translations, versions, modifications of whole or of a part of this site, in any form or manner, are prohibited, unless preceding written authorization has been granted by the owner of this site. Each violation can lead to civil rights or criminal prosecution. Deep linking is allowed when mentioning the original source.

External information

This Internet site contains links to Internet sites or to web pages of third parties. I have no control of the contents or other characteristics of these sites and I am under no circumstances responsible for the contents of it.

Blog comments

It is allowed for registered people to post comments on articles I write. I have no control of the contents or other characteristics of these comments and I am under no circumstances responsible for the contents of it. You can contact me in order to remove certain comments.

It is permitted, without preceding written authorization of the website owner, to put a link between your site and this site.

Purpose of using personal information

If you transfer your personal details to me, these are incorporated in my files and are processed for the management of my member file and the offered service. Data are under no circumstances passed on without your personal authorization to third parties.


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